I love budz, they help me in all my art
I sculpt and mold. This mold allows me to make another evil skull to work on if need be. In the quest for the perfectly even evil skull it is a great help. Getting the skull balanced is the real trick and it has been harder than I thought it would be. Try balancing a skull larger than a basketball yourself to see. Every skull I have seen on the market isn't balanced, let alone evil looking. It was seeing that they couldn't make a balanced skull and they didn't know what a real evil skull looked like that made me start this project. Why is balance important? Because it looks goofy, like a hack artist did it, I am no hack. I refuse to put my name on anything less than the best. I could draw the skull I am working on in 15mins, but that is easy, it is a 2 dimensional picture and I have been trying to draw good since I was 5 years old. I taught one person how to draw the real evil skull and he probably doesn't even remember, so the secret is safe with me. You can see the grey clay inside, that is a evil skull. UPDATE! I have found a new technique that should give me, the balance I am looking for. No it isn't a computer, I consider that cheating.
I drew these when I was 16, that was 17 years ago.
One of these days I have to get better pictures of my drawings. These are still alittle blurry and not like the originals. I removed the Lezborgy and the stripper chick for the younger myspacers. I will put them on my business site which will be up soon. I drew the Lezborgy when I was 23 and in jail anyway.
Some aren't even done
Here is my shadow demon pic.
420 with my deadhomie!!
I like to meet people possessed of inspiration. I like to be around people that have something going on or are willing to cooperate on a business venture perhaps. I like people that are honest and friendly, I don't want people's hidden agendas in my life. I DON'T like to meet people that think they are better than you, especially when they aren't. People that think they are "Pimps", "Playaz", "Baddasses", you better damn well be one or I don't want to hear or see you. I don't like people that think they are "Cooler" than you or "Hipper" than you because they are in touch with the trends more than you are. Trends are for simple folk, you aren't cool, you're just a trendy asshole who has nothing better to do but try to stay 5mins ahead of the trends. These people love to say "I was into that before it was cool" like that makes them special. As you can tell, these people get on my nerves. I don't walk around saying I am a pimp or a playa or a baddass or trying to be hipper than others, because I just think it's stupid. I am myself, and everyone should just be themselves, not what you think others will respect. If you really are a pimp with lots of hos and money then that is ok. I just hate the 14 year old stick boy punks that walk around talkin about how they are a pimpin baddass and they are gunna kick my ass and all that, yeah right. Everybody is a baddass pimpin playa nowadays, walkin around like they have some pro-wrestler theme music playin in their head. I hear them talking amongst themselves saying "We are so cool", people that are cool never have to say they are cool, it isn't cool. I don't mind people with confidence, I just don't like arrogance. Most of these "pimps" and such usually get into that because they can't do anything very well and have to have some pride in something. I like to hang out with people of ability that have a common respect. We can then have interesting chats, come up with ideas and just generally have fun. They don't strut around insulting people by talking about how badd they are and how much better they are than others.
I like to toke out, and usually only smoke cigarettes if I have no budz. I can drink, but usually just stick to herbz. I have been around and have found that budz is all you can really do everyday till you die. If I encounter another substance that I have done before I could be interested in taking it, but just that time and then wait a month or so. I don't want to be a addict of anything other than some nuggz. I don't use needles, firing drugs is just alittle too far for me.
I'd like to meet women like the ones in my Peep show vidz below. Web cam girls and strippers, all sorts of fine booty.
Youtube is big on deleting the vidz I like so, I made my peepshow collection into two players. I will change them from time to time.
FEATURED COMEDIAN (send me a link to someone funnier, if you can)
POTHEAD SOCIETY CHAT ______________________________________________________________
Mostly old Metal, old Metallica, old Slayer, old Iron Maiden, Suicidal Tendencies, Judas Priest, Yngwie Malmsteen, old Motley Crue, old Dio, old Iced Earth, old Ozzy, old Megadeth, Helloween, Coroner, Manowar, Danzig, Death, Sepultura, SOD, etc. I also like classical like Bach, Mozart, etc. I have listened to all types of music, and liked it, before I got into metal in the mid 80s. Stuff like Duran Duran, Police, Queen, The Doors, 80's radio, oldies, reggae, and stuff. I just don't jump onto the next big trends or follow popular thinking whatsoever, even as fashionable people pressure me into getting into the next trend, or I'm "not cool". People that don't accept you for the way you are aren't cool. I like the music, not the image. People that wear one pant leg up and have their hat on sideways are just as stupid to me as the 80s spandex rockers or 70s bell bottom groovers they make fun of. In 10 or 15 years they are gunna think they looked stupid in pics of them from today. Memories of my youth, GnR RIPmagazine commercial. Music by DRI. You can see the problem with the late80s-early90s metal scene, half the bands they list in the commercial were buttrockers or some radio rock. I wanted the Thrash and Death metal, as did many others. The record labels wanted cute guys that girls would put on their bedroom walls. It was a constant battle, where everyone lost in the end. WANT MORE VIDS? You like Black Metal or maybe something alittle newer than my vids? Go to my friends myspace, he has quite a selection himself. Here is the link, rock on!
Oh you're in for it now. I love movies. I will list as many titles as I can, Conan the Barbarian..1(My favorite movie), Terminator ..1, Predator ..1, Highlander ..1, The Original StarWars Trilogy, StarWars:Revenge of the Sith, The Road Warrior, The Wrath of Khan, Jaws ..1, Aliens ..2, Pulp Fiction, Resevoir Dogs, Clerks, Jay and Silent Bob strikes back, The Lord of the Rings Movies, X-men 1&2, Taxi Driver, Escape from NewYork, Enter the Dragon, Clint Spagetti Western trilogy, Outlaw Jose Wales, The King of NewYork, Apocalypse Now, Full Metal Jacket, Falling Down, Real Men, The Survivors, The Hidden, Evil Dead 1&2, Rope, Big trouble in Little China, The Golden Child, Scarface, They Live, Raiders of the Lost Arch, John Carpenter's The Thing, The Five Deadly Venoms, Super Ninjas, Shock'em Dead, Highplainsdrifter, The Hitcher, BladeRunner, Lady Hawk, Mr Mom, True Romance, Die Hard, Where Eagles Dare, Patton, Kelly's Heroes, The Boys Next Door, Scanners..1 and the list goes on. Here is some video of movies I like. Enjoy!
I actually don't watch much TV anymore, I do watch 24 and sometimes American Idol. I came in on 24 in the second season. I thought it was like all the other hype shows that are everywhere, ok I was wrong, this time. Most shows are hype, with the rare 24 like show in the mix. I am such a fan of 24 that I even started a 24 chatroom, just click on the name here, The24Chat. I don't get to watch the Sheild much, but I have sampled episodes from every season and it is good too. I might watch Chapelle show, Conan O'Brien, South Park, Criss Angel, Wild Boyz, UFC, Cable news, History Channel, or Discovery channel every once in a while. I use the TV for playing my movies in the background while I work on other stuff. I use to watch ALOT! of TV, but I just have no more need of being captivated by a dozen shows or more, it's a waste of time. I like old TV shows anyway, A-Team, Airwolf, Magnum PI, KungFu, BattleStarGalactica, Old StarTrek, Dukes of Hazzard, Seinfeld, Werewolf, etc. I have video linked below to show what I like or liked. I use to watch the cartoons below when I was a kid, so don't get too worried.
> I have listened to Art Bell's radio show "Coast to Coast AM" at night since 2001. He just does weekends now and George Noory does the weeknight shows. I hear alot of stuff on this radio show that is so important to us all, that I don't hear anywhere but that radio show. Some of it is fun and is left up to your opinion on the issue, but some shows are hard fact and are extremely important for you to hear, because you won't hear it on censored news. The shows are 10PM-2AM PST and are heard by millions every night across the country on AM radio and around the world on the computer. The show started in the early 90's and has no equal, it is probably the biggest nightime radio show in North America, no, really. Here is a classic Art Bell bumper music selection, listen while you continue to read. WANNA CHAT DURING THE SHOW?
I notice that many people don't know anything about Chemtrails, the long white trails left by jets in the sky. Jets do leave contrails, but they disappear after a couple minutes tops. When they are all over the sky for 20mins, IT ISN'T NATURAL! Nobody really knows what is going on, unless they are the people doing it. Some say it is a secret program for our protection and others say that it is all part of a conspiracy to make us weak and more dependent on prescriptions or to just kill us off like cattle. Start looking up at the skies at these trails in the sky and realize how if it is hanging there for a long time you aren't looking at a normal contrail. They are everywhere and many people think nothing of them, but this has to be brought to more people's attention. Most people don't believe it is unusual, but they are totally fooled, the science doesn't lie. Keep watching the skies. Just google image chemtrails and you will get a nice collection of pics. Many people know what the media tells you about Madcow disease, but there is more. This disease has many forms, it doesn't just effect cows. The disease usually shows itself when a animal eats it's own kind. Cannibals have a greater chance of getting "MADMAN". Cattle eat their own kind, we grind up their slaughtered fellow cows and put it in the cattle feed. That's how cows get the disease. Let's take a closer look though, the real villian is this little protein called a "Prion" these little protiens are what really causes the disease. They are near indestructable, they aren't a bacteria or a virus, they are tough and even when a infected animal is burned at high tempuratures the prions can still be found in the carcass. YOU CAN"T GET RID OF THEM. In fact burning the beast might put prions in the air to travel somewhereelse. Most of the whole food supply is suppose to be infected. Even deer that sneak in and eat the cattle feed on the ranch. We can test for the disease, but for awhile the US government has put a ban on such testing, why? Do they have something to hide? They wouldn't want the precious economy to take a hit from massive reports of prions in the food supply. This is how it kills you, very slowly. The prions get into you through the food and then travel from your splean to your spine, eventually they reach your brain about 15-20 years later and they eat holes in your brain. Many victims have been misdiagnosed as alzheimer deaths, because the end is almost the same. I don't think there is much we can do about it, alot of us that eat hamburger and hotdogs are already doomed, this includes me. Eating a nice steak from a cow is less dangerous, than eating a hamburger made from many cows. The prions are supposed to be found in the brain and spine of these animals, but the prions travel through the whole body it seems. Just try to enjoy what life you have left, that is usually my advise on any of this stuff. You may not have had contact with prions, but you can always die from a bus hitting you, so live it up. Life is a gamble anyway.
Mark Dice(formerly John Conner) on the Georgia Guide Stones There are many more interesting subjects that they go into on the show, give it a listen.
Space travel for the common citizen is much closer nowadays. With the successful flight of SpaceshipOne in 2004, a new era of space tourism has begun. Slung below its equally innovative mothership dubbed White Knight, SpaceShipOne rides above planet Earth. SpaceShipOne was designed and built by cutting-edge aeronautical engineer Burt Rutan and his company Scaled Composites to compete for the X Prize. Alot of extra funding was obtained for the project from Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen. Pictured above is Burt Rutan on the left and Paul G Allen on the right The 10 million dollar Ansari X prize was open to private companies and required the successful launch of a spaceship which carries three people on short sub-orbital flights to an altitude of 100 kilometers. Unlike more conventional rocket flights to space, SpaceShipOne was carried to an altitude of 50,000 feet by the twin turbojet White Knight and then released before igniting it's own hybrid solid fuel rocket engine. After the climb to space it ultimately landed like a conventional glider at light plane speeds. This is what is called a two-stage to orbit system, a single stage to orbit system wouldn't require the carrier craft and takes off and lands on it's own. On October 4, 2004, SpaceShipOne rocketed into history, becoming the first private manned spacecraft to exceed an altitude of 328,000 feet twice within the span of a 14 day period, thus claiming the ten million dollar Ansari X-Prize. Above is Sir Richard Branson On September 24th 2004 in London England, Sir Richard Branson launched the company Virgin Galactic with his sights on space tourism. Branson had been looking at designs for years but had rejected them all. It was SpaceShipOne's success that finally caught his attention and he went forward with licensing the intellectual property rights to this craft. This trio of space enthusiasts are now busy in the New Mexico desert building all that is necessary to make this a full reality. They have plans to make flights available to the public by late 2008 with tickets priced at $200,000. Burt Rutan is heralded as a genius, but I don't think he is. He is using a concept that the US Airforce and NASA pioneered decades ago. If he was making some vehicle that flew up and came down on it's own, I would say that is genius. He is merely the right man at the right time, with the proper funding. Let me tell you about the history of this two-stage to orbit concept. I have been a fan of the X-planes program for over ten years. After World War II the airforce began experimenting with all sorts of strange aircraft to break new ground in flight. First on October 14 1947 they broke the sound barrier in the X-1 pilotted by Chuck Yeager a fighter ace from the war. Then they broke more barriers, finally they reached my favorite x-plane the X-15. Above is the X-15 Until SpaceShipOne, it held the altitude record for a vehicle launched in this manner. All the X planes up to this point were carried under some heavy bomber and launched high in the sky in fact. It was slung under the wing of a B-52 bomber and let go around 45,000 ft where it would ignite it's liquid fuel rocket and break down all sorts of barriers. Pictured above is the X-15 and B-52 bomber It would then land like a glider. Sounds like the SpaceShipOne right? From 1959-1968 brave men flew the X-15 beyond what we knew as the limits. Not all of them survived, and any aircraft enthusiast has to admire what they accomplished. I am not the only person that knows this stuff, but many don't know this, that is why I am telling you. On August 22, 1963, Joseph A. Walker, flew the X-15 to an unofficial world altitude record of 354,200 feet. Brian Binnie's SpaceShipOne flight carried him all the way to 367,442 feet or 69.6 miles above the Earth's surface. Yes he beat the X-15 record, but the ideas behind the flight came from the experience we gained through the X-15, and later with the other x-planes. The later x-planes experimented with lifting bodies, craft that didn't need wings, the shape of the body provided lift. I hate the space shuttle, which was born out of the x-planes research. The shuttle costs way too much to operate and takes alot of time between flights to be readied for flight again. It eats alot of it's fuel just getting off the launch pad. These concerns aren't a problem with the two-stage to orbit approach first pioneered by the X-15. The little manuver jets that turn the shuttle in space came from the X-15 program. The shuttle was the wrong direction to go in from the x-planes research. Making a vehicle that takes off goes to orbit and then lands on it's own is real genius. For those looking for a easier way to do this, you use two-stage to orbit systems. What you want to do is take the shuttle as high as you can and let it go, where it then proceeds to orbit. That is the whole idea in a nutshell. The space shuttle is big though, can a aircraft carry it at all? YES! I have seen pictures of the shuttle being transported on the back of a 747. The two above pictures are of a 747 transporting a NASA shuttle When I saw these many years ago, I began to think, "Hey, I wonder if they could launch the shuttle like the X-15 was launched?". Even the Russians and their Buran Shuttle which is a total ripoff of the NASA shuttle have piggybacked that shuttle on a mighty cargo plane they have called the Antonov An-225 Cossack. The two pictures above are a Antonov An-225 Cossack transporting a Buran Shuttle(Soviet/Russian) These craft can only fly so high, usually around 40,000 feet, jet engines need oxygen from the atmosphere to work. The higher you go the less oxygen you have for combustion to happen in your jet engines on the carrier aircraft. Knowing this I began to think of how to get the carrier aircraft to fly higher before it drops of the orbitting vehicle. A U-2 spyplane flies up to 90,000 feet. It's engine is ,specially engineered to work at high altitude. Above is a U-2 spyplane If you could have 8 of these U-2 engines in a B-52 it could operate at a higher altitude. I am sure modifying the engine pods to handle the new engine Above is a B-52 An axial-flow, dual compressor turbojet developing 13,500 pounds of thrust, up to 19,600 pounds with afterburner. Found in B-52s. An axial-flow, dual compressor turbojet developing 17,500 pounds of thrust, up to 26,500 pounds with afterburner. Found in U-2 spyplanes. Really any effective high altitude engine will do for getting the launcher higher, the engines above are to illustrate a point.You could also use small rocket assist engines at the higher altitudes to help it even further before it lets the orbiter go. Larger versions of high altitude aircraft could have been built as well to handle these high flights. The SR-71 Blackbird flies just about as high as the U-2 only much faster, over 3 times the speed of sound. Above is the SR-71 BlackBird spyplane Imagine a larger SR-71 with 4 engines instead of 2, carrying a shuttle. It could have assist rockets on it as well. The B-58 Hustler has a decent airframe for the job as well and made much bigger it too could carry the shuttle or a craft like it to great heights with proper tweaking of the engines and some possible rocket assist. Above is the B-58 Hustler Some other airframes that I think about for this task are the XB-70 Valkyrie bomber although they don't really exist anymore. They had test problems and the whole project was scrubbed. Pictured above is the XB-70 Valkyrie Another bomber that is like what I would use for the task, is the B-1, with some tweaking and maybe rocket assists it could do well. The swing wing would allow for good lift off and high speed. Above is two B-1 bombers Pictured above is the Tu-160 BlackJack bomber(Soviet/Russian) Still another choice is the old Soviet T-4 bomber, why do we just build these fantastic machines to kill each other? Of course I am imagining these aircraft scaled up like I suggested for the SR-71. Above is the T-4 bomber(Soviet/Russian) A idea that NASA has experimented with that is something I never thought of is towing. Gliders have been towed by other planes for decades, but I didn't know that you can actually tow more than you can carry. It was called the Eclipse program and proved the feasibility of towing orbiters instead of piggybacking them or carrying them under the carrier aircraft. Above is a delta dart, being towed aloft I don't know how the tow line would handle the highspeeds of the other craft I mentioned as alternatives, but the high flying B-52 variant I spoke of could use this tow technique to haul a orbiter up of greater size than it could normally carry. I saw another way of getting up high and dropping a orbiter, but I saw it used with a man. Joe Kittinger was a airforce test pilot that did alot of dangerous experiments for the USA to test the effects of all sorts of intense enviromental conditions on the human body. He did a series of hot air balloon flights using a special rig that took him way up. Once in August 16 1960, on project Excelsior III, he jumped out of the gondala, the basket the balloon carries, at 102,800 feet. Pictured above is Joe Kittinger's record jump He then did a long free fall before opening his parachute and landing unharmed. I began to think of a huge blimp that would carry a orbiter up that high or higher and let it go there. I eventually thought of using solar panels to use sunlight to operate motors and heat the gas in the huge lighter than air vehicle, making it even more bouyant.
Many people are onto this idea now though. They talk about patenting it, but it has already been patented. I heard of cargo company completing tests of such a craft back 2004, but I thought of it in late 2002. Everything I am telling you is easy to research on your own and is common knowledge in the right circles. With advances in stronger and lighter materials the orbiter and the rest of the project can be made lighter nowadays. This is a departure from the X-15 days, where they used, Inconel-X for the skin, a nickel-based superalloy, which I am sure is heavier than what we would use today. It could take alot of heat, which you will generate flying a X-15 at high speeds. The frame was titanium, light but modern carbonfibers and silicon carbide are lighter and even stronger. Alot of these ideas are used in one way shape or form by other groups trying to get into orbit, but none have the funding. Burt Rutan got his funding and look what happened. In this capitalistic society you must have the funds or your dream will always remain a dream. Without facilities to test your ideas, you will just have them stolen by those willing to "help" before you can have the final designs patented. I am a couple decades late and a couple billion dollars short of doing any of this first. I can assure you that I will be a serious threat in the market place in 15-20 years. This is just my thoughts on getting to orbit, but my ideas go further than that I assure you. I just have a few dozen projects I have to do to get the money myself to do things like this on my own. I am actually like Richard Branson, back when he first started with his Virgin records store in London. I sent Burt Rutan a email in 2004 talking about working together, so that he can't say I never sent him a message. I didn't get a reply, so it is on. He can have his fame, but I see a dark horse in his future. Hell, it could be a whole herd of dark horses. I am not unique there are many bright people out there just waiting for the funding. There have been many strange reports of weird craft. Some say alot of UFOs are just secret aircraft the government are testing. They either invented them or used crashed alien craft and back engineered the technology on them. Why let people in on the secret, when you can make great gains but staying quiet? If there is one reason I cheer Burt and his friends on it is because these questions can be answered if there is more than just the government that is going into space. No cover ups, just truth. Over all this time they could have some secret base on the dark side of the moon or Mars or beyond. Who knows? Back to what I do know though. Alot of people might think I have alot of time on my hands to think up all this. The truth is that I merely think about this stuff in my spare time, but over years. It might take some people alot of time to think about this stuff, but I tend to come up with clever solutions to problems quick. Creative improvisation is the secret of genius. The people that don't think of this stuff are usually those that always complain to me that they are bored. I get bored too, that is when I think of this stuff. I don't know what they are thinking about, but I suggest they think about stuff like this. Burt Rutan, Paul Allen, Sir Richard Branson, and a host of others certianly don't waste their time thinking about lame things I suspect the masses do, everyone should be more like them. Reach for the stars and never give up.
I first became interested in Astral Projection or what is otherwise known as Out of Body Experiences, OBEs, when I was 16. I had what was called a Lucid Dream. I was in the local library in my dream, and the sun was bright coming through the windows. For those familiar with Vancouver Washington, it was the main library next I-5. I was looking at the books and suddenly I stopped and looked down the long walkway in front of me. Instead of walking, I moved with great speed straight down the isle. The experience was so foriegn that I woke with a start. The next day I started studying Meta-physical and spirituality books at the book store in the mall. I learned about Lucid Dreams which are dreams you are very conscious in, but the world you are in is all made by your mind. Astral Projections or OBEs are the next level, you are in the real world in your dream body watching people in reality. There are many names for your dream body, Astral Body, Spirit Body, Body Double, etc. We all have one and when you dream this is the body you are in. Dreams usually have some sort of meaning that your sub-conscious mind is trying to tell you. Alot of people can't remember any of their dreams, your dream memory or Dream Recall, isn't that good then. You can increase your dream memory by keeping a dream journal by your bed. When you wake up, try to jot down a few things you remember about your dreams, it will help you sort through your mind and remember your dreams later.
What really are Role-Playing games? Many people have many misconceptions about role-playing games. For one thing there are many types of role-playing games. If you asked people to tell you what one is, most would think of role-playing games, or RPGs, today as many new video games that have come out. Some people might think you are talking about some kinky sex fetish where people assume different roles and have sex. Some would tell you it is playing with others in a imaginary world you all share, usually with imaginary characters you play the role of, by talking about it and describing your actions in it. Well certianly to the RPG title has been given to the first two, but the third description of role-playing games that I gave is what I consider a real role-playing game. ROLEPLAYERCHAT
As a real anarchist I am offended when news reporters say that looting, raping, murder and such is Anarchy. By my definition the looting in New Orleans was Chaos and lawlessness. Anarchism is simply order that has no central control. No Federal government for example, or no totalitarian dictator. People of like mind live together in communities where they are accepted and they don't flaunt their activities in the faces of others that might not like it, because of this separation. Anarchists practice direct democracy, no representatives to be corrupted and people feel like they are really involved. I could smoke weed in my community, while the next community could be a conservative christian community for example. We would stay out of each other's communities to avoid being under one another's laws. Most anarchists I run into, don't realize that in the end this is what would happen to our nation if we practice anarchy. They think we will be one big direct democracy population. They don't see that people will begin to want to vote on issues, without interferring votes from people that are nothing like them. Alot of these people will then band together and move somewhere, where people unlike them won't meddle in their affairs.
The Federal government only wants to force us to live with one another because it is good for business, and they have no care for tensions between gays and straight folk, or muslims and christians, or blacks and asians, etc. Of course there would be communities that can be diverse, because that is what they want, and they should have it. The roads of the country would be neutral ground as well as certian parks and preserves. All of this is agreed apon by the collective of communities. Anarchy is about cooperation, we might not need to live together, but that shouldn't prevent inter-community cooperation on various ventures. All the cooperating communties get what they want and still remain separate from other communities in their everyday lives.
I have had people say "That sounds like segregation", but segregation is forced on others, this is voluntary. The proper term I would use would be, Separatism. People ask for state's rights and this is kinda like what I am saying but it needs to be broken down further. County rights would be better, followed by city rights being even better and community rights being awesome. In the event of military attack from a foriegn nation it is important to have a prior elected person coordinate the response. Centralized control is preferred in such a event, but after the threat is gone they have no more power. A Epidemic should have a similar response, but with travel inbetween communities down, the threat of a bad bug spreading is greatly reduced already. If one community rises against another, the attacking community is attacked by all the other communities. Violence against another community is a great crime. All of this is agreed to by all the communities in the Pact of Cooperation, which gives some structure the decentralized society I have laid out in short on this blog. I could write a book on the subject, but this little blog will have to do for now. Please remember, Anarchy is the only path to true Freedom, thank you.
Alex Grim
What happened to Metal?
What happened to metal? Most people that are hip and trendy will say "who cares?", they care too much about listening to Simple Plan or 50cent just like they are conditioned to by the music industry. So what did happen to it? Firstly the industry stopped promoting it, really, they started promoting Grunge and Rap. Why? The reason why is that these industry people are into making money off new trends, art is the last thing on their minds. It's all about the money in this capitalistic, dog eat dog world. Metal in itself was a trend they capitalized on, in fact this is where most of the "Buttrock" that people hate came from. I've heard many times from people in the music industry that the main target for their products is young teenage girls. These girls make the music world go round, from Elvis and The Rat Pack to Blink182 and JayZ. See what the girls like is what the guys have to like if they are going to be hip enough to get laid. "Yeah those guys rock" is what some teenage male virgin has to say or he isn't getting any probably. This hip stuff is what is played at the parties that these young lovers will be at.
These trends build on themselves, because everybody wants to be "cool". I am convinced that the next new thing could be a bunch of guys playing a Kazzoo and beating on trash cans. "Nobody plays rubbermaids like SycoJoe, he's straight from the backalleys of Detroit where it's hardcore.". People can be made to like anything over time. Rap used to be barely accepted in the 80's, but they kept playing it and promoting it and now look at where we are at. I use to listen to Rap when it was break dance music, I even made my own little Raps, I was 10 though. What happened to metal? It went underground, metal was too strong to die, it just went to the hospital. With killer albums like Metallica's Ride the Lightning and Slayer's South of Heaven among a host of other good albums, nobody could forget those good ole days, that lived them. Plus, they have such a strong legacy that even the younger extreme music fans had to be initiated into modern metal by listen to what had become the "Classics". Metal mutated while underground, the old school bands that rocked started to play metal that was weaker for some reason.
The newer bands got harder, but they all sounded the same for the most part. They had growler/screamer vocalists and played their guitars with a fast picking style, but didn't really change the notes too much. Most guitar players of skill in the 80's picked that fast as they hit over a dozen notes. These 90's metal guitar players continued to play their guitars like this through most of the song. The 80's guitar players would play like this, but would break it up with some slower chunky playing here and there atleast. This newer style of playing I named "droning" a long time ago. It just drones on and on. More over, the newer playing was also possessed of less inspired changes, it seemed they could just play fast and anything even if it was total bs, writing had gone right out the window. The only thing that seemed to be good in most bands was the drums. Double bass drums were the norm and the rest of the kit was used well too. I usually only had good things to say about the drummer when I heard these newer acts.
There was another mutation that happened, it was the stripped down metal that actually got air play. Manson, Zombie, Korne, Bizkit, and Slipknot are some of the biggest names in this mutation. The guitars were slower than their underground bretheren, but the writing was just as blah. I actually believe that it was their image that gave them more popularity. Metal is creeping back out of the underground again and into mainstream music.
Metal is back, but it is different. The vocals are the same vocals we got in the 90's, but the playing is getting more like the 80's. They don't play exactly like the 80's, but these new musicians are learning how cool it really was back then and have decided to add some techniques that started back then to their metal today. I believe that metal will eventually make a full comeback to what it was in the 80's as far as heavy thrash/death metal. These musicians are learning what I learned back in 91', you can only play that simple shit so many times before you want to play better shit. We can only hope they keep practicing and start playing the real metal again. Rock on my friends.
Alex Grim
Art and George have guests that talk about UFOs, Aliens, Madcow, OutofBody experiences, Oil depletion, New forms of energy, New technologies, Biological warfare, Better health, Psychic powers, Bigfoot, Terrorism, Nuclear warfare, Giant Meteors from space, Super Volcanos, Extremely freakish weather,Government cover ups, Illuminati and secret societies, Lost civilisations,Ghosts and spirits, Demons and excorsism, Shadow people, The shadow government, Cloning, Pole shifts and many other cataclysms, in fact, if we were doomed and the government didn't want to tell you by hushing up the media, word still might get through to you via this radio show. There has been huge asteroids that have come close to hitting us in recent years and the news only mentioned it after it had passed, but Art usually can give some sort of warning before hand. They talk about everything, and the guests are usually acreditted doctors and professors, rarely are they just some quack, but even then it is entertaining. Remember the movie, The day after tomorrow? It was based on a book that Art Bell and Whitley Strieber wrote called The coming global superstorm. In fact alot of the movies that have come out lately like, White Noise, The Forgotten, and any other movie that was "paranormal" probably came from the writers listening to this show. Some people have seen shows on TV about some of the things they talk about, but this radio show was talking about it before any of them.
Most people I run into have never heard of this show and just dismiss me when I tell them, "Yeah ok, whatever", but I am telling you it is foolish to not listen to this show. I watch Fox News, CNN, MSNBC and all the other news outlets and they have nothing on this show. They might tell you the surface story, but they won't tell you the real story, sometimes they just don't mention a story, period. Some people just can't listen to radio, they must watch a TV , but TV usually can only talk about something for a hour maximum, you get to hear the main guest for usually 3 hours on this radioshow and the conversations are more enlightening than some TV documentary or news segment. You can streamlink the programs old and present on their website which I have listed below. Once you listen to this show for a couple years you know alot more than the average joe on the street trust me, now you have been told, it is your fault if you get caught by surprise by things you should have known about. For some reason the link won't work on here, so copy/paste coasttocoastam.com into your address bar. Here is a link to a player at KFI 640 AM in LA for those that can't get to a radio at 10:05PM-2:05AM PST
Here are some interesting subjects you'll hear on the show.
>>>> CHEMTRAILS <<<<
When people say UFO many think of Roswell or Area 51, but the evidence is in your face when it comes to the Phoenix Lights. So many witnesses saw this formation of lights in 1997 that this isn't your standard lone observer that saw a UFO case. The video will go into more detail.
>>>> DMT <<<<
I just heard Graham Hancock on Art Bell's show in late 2006. He went on about this substance called DMT. I have heard this stuff before, but millions seemed to connect with this particular show and sent Art many many messages telling him so. This substance allows you to enter a state of mind that will allow to leave your body. Many that leave seem to encounter the same strange world and beings there. Hancock said that most ingestors of the drug, forget the experience, like a dream.
These beings are friendly and teach the DMT user profound lessons on life. Many DMT users report the same weird dimension and beings. One would expect many of the experiences to be different, but they are very similar everywhere. This leads many to believe that this is a real world that exists within our own in another dimension. We can access this dimension through many ways, 40day fasts, living in cold caves alone for a long time, sensory deprivation tanks, etc. However another way is using DMT. The substance can be found in Hiawaska, a brew made by shamans in the Amazon. They drink it to achieve enlightenment, and have done so for over 10,000 years. Although it is illegal outside of the amazon, I will try it if I can get it. I have done ALOT! of acid and taken mushrooms here and there so I am not afraid to take it. If we could get more and more people interested in DMT we could change the course of our own destruction and evolve to the next step. There are those that don't want this and they are the ones that have made it illegal. If we could all do this DMT(adults), we would see how we are going down the wrong path on this planet and change things on our own, without our governments. They are the last people that want this to happen, so you shouldn't look to them for help on this. DMT is not addictive and actually with a few treatments has gotten people off more hardcore drugs like heroine and cocaine, by showing them how lame those drugs are and how you don't need them. Here is some info on it. Have a nice trip ;)
Joe Rogan, host of Fear Factor, praises DMT
>>>> 2012, DOOM's DAY <<<<
One thing talked about alot on the show is the Mayan calendar's end date of 2012. Dec 21st 2012 to be exact. Many people on the show have their own doom's day research, but for some reason they all kinda confirm that in the next few years the world is going to end. So 2012 seems to fit into their research, they don't say that exact date, but their research gives us about that much time. This is why many just say 2012 is a good round date for the end of the world. The Mayans were advanced in their understanding of the heavens. Their calendar tells when all sorts of celestial events happen and they do. Where they got this knowledge is up for debate, but they are so dead on that many are inclined to believe this 2012 date. DON'T PANIC, if you prepare properly you might be one of the survivors. Is there something you have always wanted to do? Then do it, enjoy yourself. It should be noted that there are many that say the calender's end merely means the end of a age and the beginning of a new one. 2012 could be the year we take the next step in our evolution, who knows?
That's right Yellowstone park, I was there as a wee lad. I saw all the bubbling pools and "Old Faithful" the geyser. I would never have realized how dangerous this whole area is. Yellowstone is a super volcano, maybe the biggest. A Caldera is the actual term for these super volcanos. Yellowstone erupts every 600,000 years and we are overdue for this event. The whole area is starting to get hotter and even bulge alittle. If it goes 90% of the world's population will die directly or in the aftermath. Yes, it is that dangerous. It is suspected by some that humans have been on this planet for ALOT longer than they say and we keep getting wiped out by these cataclysmic events.
Many people have been reporting these dark shadowy beings in their homes. They are around 6ft and just seem to be a shadow. They aren't nice and are always described attacking people in various ways. There are some many reports that match up, that it has to be mentioned here.
>>>> ATLANTIS <<<<
Supposedly Atlantis was found east of Cuba about 2200 ft down underwater. There hasn't been a expedition mounted to this location, and I don't know why. Maybe there is trouble with getting promission from Cuba, old Fidel Castro isn't a big fan of the USA or our allies. I heard about this story when I first started listening to CoasttoCoast. I am sure that it is one of the cities of the Atlantean empire, lost to the ocean a long time ago. There are tales of many other sunken cities around the world though, whatever it is, it is intriguing.
So you think you can escape big brother and only use cash and grow your own food and such? Well they have your number all on a little chip waiting for you to put in you so they can track you and your purchases. Don't want it? Tough, they will eventually force it on the hold outs that refuse to have one. The videos below will explain in more detail.
>>>> RODS <<<<
I hear alot about Rods on the show, I don't know much about them, just that they are little fast flying rod shaped creatures. People report them often enough to mention them. I actually have some video here for the interested.
>>>> HAARP <<<<
This ground based starwars weapon is always speculated upon as the source of some of the wild weather, earth quakes and whale beachings that have happened in the last decade or so. You must know about HAARP to be atleast a average listener of the show. This video should help you out.
THe US government had a secret program to develope phychic type abilities. One of these abilities in the program went far and was researched extensively, remote viewing. A remote viewer draws from his mind what he sees about a target. The target is never revealed before hand, this doesn't prevent the remote viewer from giving very insightful information about a target they have know idea about otherwise. Ret. Maj Ed Dames is on Art all the time, they call him Dr Doom because of his gloomy predictions. He is from the US government's Remote Veiwing program and is one of the first members.
>>>> EVP <<<<
Electronic Voice Phenomenon is a mystery to us, are they ghosts talking to us? Many believe so, but others still think it is some damaged tape or recorder malfunction. You can try to get them yourself with any recorder. Go to a graveyard or place where spirits might be and ask them some questions, when you play back the recording you might get faint answers.
>>>> FACE ON MARS <<<<
The Viking Orbiter 1 in 1976, took a photo of the surface of mars that revealed a strange formation on the planet's surface in a area known as Cydonia. It looked like a big face staring up to the stars. NASA said it was a trick of light and shadow, but over time many didn't believe NASA. The leading personality in this movement of people questioning NASA is Richard C Hoagland. His list of credits is long, suffice it to say, he isn't just some quack with a crazy notion. He was science advisor to CBS new's Walter Cronkite when we landed on the moon. "Richard C" is a old friend of the radio show and listeners will often hear him on the phone when they need his advise on various issues. His website is enterprisemission.com if you want to learn more.
>>>> ILLUMINATI <<<<
I don't believe every single claim made by those people that have made this material, but their facts check out, do your own research. I post it here for you to view and then decide for yourself. The general idea of a global elite secretly manipulating our lives, I do believe.
Alex Jones sneaks into Bohemian Grove
Alex Jones in Terror Storm
isn't as hard a making a whole new plane.
Above is the j57(JT3) engine from a B-52, Pratt and Whitney
Above is the j75(JT4) engine from a U-2 spyplane, Pratt and Whitney
A old Soviet bomber that is almost just like the B-1 is the Tu-160. If you can't get a B-1, maybe the Russians will sell you a Tu-160? Tricked out, it should work well.
So why does NASA and any state run space program with lots of money not just do what I am saying with their planes? I am sure they have the capablity. Why do they leave it to Burt Rutan, Paul Allen, and Sir Richard Branson to do these things 40 years after they pioneered all the research? One can only wonder, allow me to speculate for a moment. Imagine you are a government able to go into space while others can't, you are the leader. Do you announce it to the world and show them your findings? Or do you keep it secret and through black operations build a presence in space other countries don't even know about? Maybe, make a halfass vehicle to capture the imagination of the common folk, like the shuttle, while you continue the arms race into space with no competition secretly? There is the chance that the USA has leaped ahead in space flight and continues to secretly.
It is believed that we all astral project every time we go to sleep along with other types of dreams. We are very active when we are asleep, it just isn't physical activity. For the most part we have no conscious memory of these experiences. This doesn't have to be the case and if you are a natural and you work at it, you can live what some books called, the 24 hour life. I personally have only consciously projected 2 times. I usually fall asleep before I am able to leave my body. I still leave my body, but I am not in conscious control. I think I am not suited for it, I have sleeping problems and such, but you may be a natural. I will get into my OBEs later, for now lets look at the techniques you can use that I learned from many books on the subject.
Get a full day of physical activity, really tucker yourself out, it easier for a novice to get better results this way. Don't get too tired or you may just fall asleep. I have heard stories of people that are so good they can do it in MacDonalds, but lets start out with beginner techniques. Try not to eat too heavy, infact most far east mystics go on three day fasts to purge food and such from their system. When your body has less digesting to do, it can focus on other less physical pursuits. Think about it all the time, have a firm desire to leave your body. Don't mess up your work, just think about it in every free moment you have. Have something to remind you to think about it, a poster, a note, a string on your finger, whatever it takes. Ask yourself all the time, Am I dreaming?, so that when you are dreaming and you ask yourself you can awaken in your dream. Believe it is real, this isn't some hocus pocus BS, people really do this, YOU do this sub-consciouly you just don't remember it most of the time. It isn't evil, christianity is a big suppressor of this activity, Hindus and Buddhists do this stuff alot more. Don't let some bible thumper keep you from doing what is only natural. Don't have any fear, this is the biggest barrier to doing this for most people. Remember my dream where I woke with a start? If you are afraid you will do the same thing, just go with it, want it, even if it feels foreign. Typically you will lie on your back, but there are other positions. Have your hands at your sides, try no to cross them over your chest. Keep your legs uncrossed as well and just lay there and relax. Try not to have any metal on you, remove rings, necklaces and such. Metal interferes with the electromagnetic feild of your body and this feild is the link between the physical and the astral or dream world. Metal spring matresses should be avoided as well, use some couch cushions except for a zipper they don't have metal in them. Try to stay away from the wall with all it's power outlets and such it can interfere as well, so put the cushions in the center of the room if possible. Avoid intoxication, I use to smoke weed before I did this and I got some intriguing results, but no success. There might be some substance out there some Shaman can make for ya, but I ain't no shaman. Darken the room as much as possible. If you shave, anywhere, you should probably get a clean shave, the stubble can bother you when you are trying to relax and do this. If you have a beard or long leg hair, don't worry about, shaving is only for those that have stubble. Breathe through your gut, what I mean is you don't take shallow chest breaths breathe easy, steady and with your belly. Your belly will rise with every breath more than your chest. Full exhales and inhales, but this isn't a physical workout, make them nice and slow. Now imagine you are on a beach, HA!, just joking. Imagine that your toes are getting warmer, Tibetian monks can supposedly change the temperature of a particular part of their body at will. You can do this too, try it, you might not change the temperature but it will feel like it. Imagine this warmth slowly rising from your toes up your feet into your legs up your body down your arms and on your head. If anything this is very relaxing and you are likely to doze off here, DON'T, you are almost there. As the warmth rises imagine that it is a light that glows white or gold until your body is warm all over and in your mind it is surrounded by this light. At this point you must start thinking about leaving your body, don't force it, remember this is a relaxed and subtle activity. Stay focused and determined, but don't start breaking a sweat over this or thinking about it too much. There is only one thought in your relaxed mind, leaving your body. Imagine yourself pulling away from your body, rising up, floating up. Keep doing this until it happens or you fall asleep. If it didn't work, KEEP TRYING!, this isn't a easy task, but it isn't hard either, like many things in life it takes some time, evrytime you do it though you must firmly believe this is the time.
I have awoken in dreams many times after my studies. Alot of the time I eventually physically wake up afterwards, but not before I get to do some fun stuff. Actual OBEs though, I have only had twice. Both were short, but I did it. Once was in my bedroom when I was 22, I went around my room checked on my cat went out my window and I slowly got drawn back to my body. The other was when I was 24 and I was in jail. I was in my cell alone and I was able to rise from my body laying on the cheap jail matress they have for ya and when I hit the ceiling I couldn't go through it for some reason. I then slowly was drawn back into my body. I haven't really tried too much in later years, but I can. I usually just become conscious in my dreams and every dream I have written down I remember to this day. You are suppose to have this silvery cord attached to you at your belly button that connects you to your body. It can stretch into infinity, but I have never seen it, in fact others have never seen it while others do. You will find that alot of your best results happen in the waking dream state or what is called the Hypnagogic state. This is the state of consciousness you have between waking and dreaming, alot of these OBEs and such happen in this window of consciousness.
You can go anywhere in your dreams and OBEs, for free and do amazing things. You can go to the moon or down the block and you can meet others you have known alive or dead. They supposedly are still alive, they say that energy never is destroyed it just changes form, and when you physically die you just leave the physical behind and your spiritual energy goes on. From my experience I believe this to be true. Good luck.
In the old school imaginary world role-playing game, you can do anything your character could possibly do. If you want to go pee on some guy you just chopped in half with your two-handed sword, you can. In video games you are limited to what the programmer could fit into the game. Sure you can play the video game by yourself, it has nice graphics, but it is still limited in what types of characters you can play and what actions you can make. Old school role-playing also doesn't require anything but a little light perhaps. You can do it anywhere you can talk with others. This is because you talk amongst each other in the words your character would say. You can talk out of character to tell the group what you are doing. Alot of groups are like chatter boxes and talk out of character alot, "Hey did you see that skit last night on Conan O'Brien?". Players talk amongst each other out of character and they miss what is going on or distract others from the game. It is ok if you keep it to a minimum. Pictures can add some sort of graphic to the game, and are usually used alot. Most video game role-playing adventures end at a certian point, but old school RPGs can tell the story of all the adventures of that character. When a adventure ends in traditional RPGs the character just keeps going on them until they are dead, this means that some people's characters are many many years old. Some people have characters that were made over 20 years ago. In game time they might have only been adventuring for 5 years or 50years, but the character has been in that player's character sheet folder for 20 years.
There are many styles of old school role-playing. One is a free form role-play where people just interact and do whatever they want in the same imaginary world. These people are all over the internet, just role-playing without any person to rule on disputes on who did what. Another is a mediated type of role-play where a all time game master is appointed for the adventure. This Game master has total control of what happens around the player's characters and their word is final on action outcomes. This is the type of role-play I have done for 25 years now. Some people say "Role-playing, isn't that like Dungeons and Dragons or something?". Yes D&D is one of the original RPGs, but things have progressed over the decades and better games exist. They all revolve around the role-playing I am familiar with. D&D has a old system of rules that I find alittle crappy. See, I started making my own systems 22 years ago. I was forbidden to play D&D so I just made my own games to role-play. I know quite a bit about systems, enough to assure D&D lovers that this game they all swear by, has serious flaws in it's rules. Most people play D&D, because it is a name that is well known, just like some people that have just got into metal might listen to Metallica, because they are so popular. I would hardly say that D&D stacks up against other games as well as old Metallica stacks up against other bands though. Usually these games use some random element to make sure the Game Master is making reasonable rulings. This element is usually dice, these dice can come in many shapes as they can be multi-sided or what is called polyhedral. Here are some polyhedrial dice.
With these dice you can roll with different probabilities of success. 1-4, 1-20, 1-12, etc as well as the typical 1-6 from regular dice. Depending on the rules of the game you will roll what dice they tell you to to see what type of outcome you get on a particular action. The Game Master or GM then looks at the dice and tells you how things turned out. Typically the GM describes the situation and asks you what you want to do. You then tell the GM and they decide if your character can do it by looking at the stats and skills scores and equipment you have listed on your character sheet. If it was super easy the GM will just allow you to do it and tell you what happens next. If it wasn't easy the GM will ask you to make a roll with some dice that is modified by the stats, skills and equipment you can use for that action. The better you are at completing the action you wanted, the better chance you will be given to get a good roll on the dice. When you meet characters in the adventure that aren't played by players they are called, NPCs or non-player characters. The GM controls the speech and actions of these NPCs. This shows you how you can explore a whole world or many worlds, just by talking to each other. You can leave off anywhere and pick it up where you left off at anytime, anywhere.
Alot of people think role-playing games are for suckers or something, these people usually are the people I meet that are always saying they are bored. That is what RPGs are good for, they are something to do when you are bored. I have even took fellow inmates in jail on adventures, just passin the time away. Games I have had fun with are, WarHammer Fantasy Role Play, The Arcanum, Star Wars D6 from West End Games, even some Palladium games of all sorts. I have played many others but those are ones you should try if you get into RPGs. They all still have flaws even though I like them, they just have less flaws than others.
One drawback to role-playing is socializing with others. There can be all sorts of inner circles and group politics with the group of people you are role-playing with. Some people are great to role-play with, still others are interested in remaining the best role-player in the group or the best GM. Infighting can happen and sides can be drawn, just like any other social activity. I once had a group that didn't like any adventure I took them on, no matter what I did. Sometimes these people get a impression of you and no matter what you do you can't ever change it in their minds. Even if they say they will give you a fair chance, they won't, they can't. One reason I hated them is they were a bunch of pussies, if I hurt their characters too bad in the adventure they would start complaining and eventually say that the adventure never happened. They would make alot of foolish decision get into trouble and then blame me, it was too much. I eventually left them forever so they could be "cool" amongst themselves. I suggest you do the same if you get a lame group. There are worlds of wonder and excitement that await you, if you would just learn how to role-play. It can be any character you can imagine in any world or worlds you can imagine.
I have set up a Roleplayer's chat , the link is below, talk to real roleplayers if you wanna know more.
What Anarchy really is.